PS3 Gold Box Thursday
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2008-12-17 15:20:07 UTC
The Bitbag http://atu.ca/aceb0

We wouldn’t want you guys to miss out. Major PS3 deals will
be taking place all day throughout the day at Amazon on

This is from the Amazon website:

"On Thursday, Dec. 18, 2008, PlayStation 3 video games and
Blu-ray disks will be featured as the top deals in the
Amazon.com Gold Box http://atu.ca/GoldBox The identities
of each deal will be revealed one at a time.

"Here’s how it will work:

"The first deal will be the Gold Box Deal of the Day. Its
special discounted price will be available all day (or
until we run out) only on Thursday, Dec. 18.

"A series of Lightning Deals will then kick off at 6:00 AM
PST. Each deal will be featured for a limited-time
throughout the day until they are sold-out or until the
next Lightning Deal begins. Learn more about Gold Box Deals
in our Help section.

"Be sure to come back and shop the Gold Box on the all-
PlayStation 3 Gold Box day."
2008-12-17 23:27:00 UTC
The Bitbaghttp://atu.ca/aceb0
We wouldn’t want you guys to miss out. Major PS3 deals will
be taking place all day throughout the day at Amazon on
"On Thursday, Dec. 18, 2008, PlayStation 3 video games and
Blu-ray disks will be featured as the top deals in the
Amazon.com Gold Boxhttp://atu.ca/GoldBox The identities
of each deal will be revealed one at a time.
"The first deal will be the Gold Box Deal of the Day. Its
special discounted price will be available all day (or
until we run out) only on Thursday, Dec. 18.
"A series of Lightning Deals will then kick off at 6:00 AM
PST. Each deal will be featured for a limited-time
throughout the day until they are sold-out or until the
next Lightning Deal begins. Learn more about Gold Box Deals
in our Help section.
"Be sure to come back and shop the Gold Box on the all-
PlayStation 3 Gold Box day."
Classic bait and switch.

They'll have a severely limited number of consoles available and try
to get you to buy another "deal" that really isn't.
2008-12-18 17:03:31 UTC
Just wait a few more years and get them in the bargin bin..
2008-12-18 23:06:55 UTC
The Bitbaghttp://atu.ca/aceb0
We wouldn’t want you guys to miss out. Major PS3 deals will
be taking place all day throughout the day at Amazon on
"On Thursday, Dec. 18, 2008, PlayStation 3 video games and
Blu-ray disks will be featured as the top deals in the
Amazon.com Gold Boxhttp://atu.ca/GoldBox The identities
of each deal will be revealed one at a time.
"The first deal will be the Gold Box Deal of the Day. Its
special discounted price will be available all day (or
until we run out) only on Thursday, Dec. 18.
"A series of Lightning Deals will then kick off at 6:00 AM
PST. Each deal will be featured for a limited-time
throughout the day until they are sold-out or until the
next Lightning Deal begins. Learn more about Gold Box Deals
in our Help section.
"Be sure to come back and shop the Gold Box on the all-
PlayStation 3 Gold Box day."
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift was the original Deal of the Day. When it
sold out, Fallout 3 took its place so you can get this supposedly
great game for $49.99. That's not an awe-inspiring price but it's not
bad if you're interested in the game.

If movies are more your thing, you can get the Spider-man Trilogy for
about $38 right now. I want the first two movies but I already have
the third - $38 for two movies breaks my no-more-than-$15-total-per
rule on Blu-Ray. :-(
