hey Blig Merk - PS3 downgrades since 1999
(too old to reply)
2006-01-14 08:04:32 UTC
1999-2000: Sony, SCEI, Kutaragi boasts that PlayStation3 will have
1,000 times the performance of the PlayStation2. (you need over 6
teraflops of power to reach that)

2001-2003: PlayStation3 CELL processor will push 1 teraflop. huge
downgrade there.

early 2005: Cell processor is announced with 256 Gflops (1/4th a
another large downgrade

May 2005: PS3's Cell processor is announced with 218 Gflops (about
1/5th a teraflop)
a small down grade but with the other downgrades combined, PS3 is not
the monster Kutaragi wanted.

don't bother throwing in the bullshit 1.8 teraflops from the Nvidia
GPU, that does not count, and is complete nonsense as most of this is
non-programmable graphic operations, and NONE of it is real CPU
performance, and is all highly suspect anyway -- Nvidia is well known
for over-exaggerating their specs, worse than even Sony. the same can
be said about Xbox Nvidia GPU and Xbox 360's 1 teraflops. but at
least Xbox 360 was never announced as a megapowerful supercomputer that
got downgrade after downgrade over the years like PS3.

the real PS3 (baring any more downgrades that is) is only about 3.5
% as powerful as Kutaragi claimed it would be in 1999-2000.

worst of all, PS3 GPU is going to choke on graphics with that 128-bit
bus and NO high-bandwidth EDRAM to take the pressure off. even PS2
had this, and now it is Microsoft that has the advantage in that area.

I cannot wait to see PS3 games looking not much better than Xbox 360
games, if at all.
2006-01-14 12:09:03 UTC
Post by Radeon
1999-2000: Sony, SCEI, Kutaragi boasts that PlayStation3 will have
1,000 times the performance of the PlayStation2. (you need over 6
teraflops of power to reach that)
2001-2003: PlayStation3 CELL processor will push 1 teraflop.
huge downgrade there.
early 2005: Cell processor is announced with 256 Gflops (1/4th a
another large downgrade
May 2005: PS3's Cell processor is announced with 218 Gflops (about
1/5th a teraflop)
a small down grade but with the other downgrades combined, PS3 is not
the monster Kutaragi wanted.
don't bother throwing in the bullshit 1.8 teraflops from the Nvidia
GPU, that does not count, and is complete nonsense as most of this is
non-programmable graphic operations, and NONE of it is real CPU
performance, and is all highly suspect anyway -- Nvidia is well known
for over-exaggerating their specs, worse than even Sony. the same
can be said about Xbox Nvidia GPU and Xbox 360's 1 teraflops. but at
least Xbox 360 was never announced as a megapowerful supercomputer
that got downgrade after downgrade over the years like PS3.
the real PS3 (baring any more downgrades that is) is only about
3.5 % as powerful as Kutaragi claimed it would be in 1999-2000.
worst of all, PS3 GPU is going to choke on graphics with that 128-bit
bus and NO high-bandwidth EDRAM to take the pressure off. even PS2
had this, and now it is Microsoft that has the advantage in that area.
I cannot wait to see PS3 games looking not much better than Xbox 360
games, if at all.
This is innacurate.

PS3's CELL has a PEAK Theoretical limit of just over 2 Terraflops.
This is with unlimited ram and unlimited cache, perfect conditions,
with perfect and easy to render code.

The Real World performance is much lower, about 256Gflops.
However, the PS3, just like the PS2, has a very HIGH efficiency rating.
That translates into about 218 Gflops.

The Xbox360, on the other hand, has a PEAK theoretical limit of about 1
It also has a very LOW efficiency rating, translating to about 50Gflops.

So, look at it like this.
PS3 = 218 Peak Real World
Xbox = 50 Peak Real World

PS3 is VASTLY more powerful than the Xbox360.

However, I do see your point about the high bandwidth associated with
the 10MB of EDRAM. This does give the Xbox360 an advantage in a
specific area.

Now, why you Xbots can't use that information and relate it to the PS2
is beyond me. The PS2 also has a very high bandwidth associated with
the 4MB of EDRAM. Xbox and GC combined, do not have half the
framebuffer bandwidth of the PS2.

Blig Merk
2006-01-15 18:21:53 UTC
The many psycho-schizo split personalities of Cyg-anus:

video-game dude
Air Raid
MS Will Destroy Sony Computer Entertainment
and probably half a dozen others
