"Bayonetta" on PS3 - it sucks
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Dave U. Random
2010-01-02 14:44:33 UTC

Bayonetta could have been the best action game on the PS3.
After all, this over-the-top affair from Hideki Kamiya and
his team at Platinum Games not only delivers some of the
coolest combat mechanics around but it coats the experience
in an eccentric, hyper-stylish shell. Unfortunately, the
PS3 port of Bayonetta (Amazon.com:
http://xrl.us/BayonettaPS3 ) is a very disappointing piece
of software. I love Bayonetta -- just look at my review of
the 360 version for proof (IGN: http://xrl.us/BayXbox ).
But Bayonetta on the PS3 is a whole different beast.

The PS3 version has a lot of problems, primary among them
being the excessive slowdown and loading. During certain
scenes of high action, Bayonetta can slow down
dramatically, enough to affect the gameplay experience. I
can usually tolerate that sort of issue to an extent, but
the loading problems are simply unacceptable.

Continued: http://xrl.us/BayPS3
2010-01-08 19:20:46 UTC
Post by Dave U. Random
Bayonetta could have been the best action game on the PS3.
After all, this over-the-top affair from Hideki Kamiya and
his team at Platinum Games not only delivers some of the
coolest combat mechanics around but it coats the experience
in an eccentric, hyper-stylish shell. Unfortunately, the
PS3 port of Bayonetta (Amazon.com:http://xrl.us/BayonettaPS3) is a very disappointing piece
of software. I love Bayonetta -- just look at my review of
the 360 version for proof (IGN:http://xrl.us/BayXbox).
But Bayonetta on the PS3 is a whole different beast.
The PS3 version has a lot of problems, primary among them
being the excessive slowdown and loading. During certain
scenes of high action, Bayonetta can slow down
dramatically, enough to affect the gameplay experience. I
can usually tolerate that sort of issue to an extent, but
the loading problems are simply unacceptable.
Something seems off here. If the problems with the PS3 version are
really this bad, how in the Hell could Famitsu have awarded it 38 out
of 40?
